Classics majors experience the world of the ancient Greeks and Romans through language, literature, art, and archaeology. By reading texts in the original language, students gain a direct insight into the minds and hearts of those who lived long ago. A major in Classics instills humanistic values and teaches students to read and think clearly and critically, forming a solid foundation of knowledge while fostering the adaptability required in today’s rapidly changing world.
Hellenic College offers an array of courses in post-classical, medieval, and Modern Greek language and culture for minors in Byzantine or Modern Greek Studies. Despite its modest size, Hellenic College hosts the largest Modern Greek language program in the United States. The Classics and Greek Studies program helps students form a holistic view of the world of classical Greece and Rome and connects it with the language, history, and culture of modern Greece. Students can study every form of Greek language and culture—ancient, biblical, and modern.
Only at Hellenic College can students study Greek in an environment that is permeated by Greek language and culture. Many students and faculty are native speakers of Greek. Students experience Greek language and culture daily in the dorms, in the cafeteria, and in chapel services.
Students also have the opportunity to study in Greece. Through the Greek Education Foundation (I.K.Y.), Hellenic College students are eligible to engage in intensive study at Greek universities, often with full scholarships.
Careers After Hellenic College
“Offering rigorous training in the humanities, the Classics can build a strong foundation for success in graduate and pre-professional programs. The study of ancient Greece and Rome helps students develop the analytical and critical thinking skills necessary for lifelong intellectual inquiry and career advancement in a variety of fields.”